Friday, January 29, 2016

Still No Art

Almost a month ago I wrote a post saying I was going to get back to art journaling. It hasn't worked out that way. I have been journaling, but writing only. I have been doing it on the computer with a little bit of decoration from my digital scrapbooking stash. But I can't really call that art journaling.

The class I signed up for got off to a slow start. There is more to it than the art part. I am not really interested in planners or doing a different kind of journaling than I have been doing for several years now, basically a brain dump on the page. Then, just as we were getting to the art instruction, the teacher took off for about a week because of the death of a close friend. She has since uploaded some interesting videos, but it was not until the last week that we had videos leading to a project that would be interesting to post.

So where is my project? I haven't even started it. I have thought about it. But somehow I can't get started. My art table is a mess. It has become a dumping place. I have started cleaning it off numerous times, but never seem to reach the bottom. I know I keep dumping stuff there to give myself an excuse to procrastinate.

This funk I am in has even worked its way into my reading. I keep starting mysteries, lose interest, turn to the back to read the ending, and never go back to read the middle part. Mysteries have been my books of choice since I read my first Nancy Drew at the age of 9. I sometimes read the ending of a mystery in the wee hours of the morning because I need to know the ending so I can get to sleep. But I nearly always go back to read the middle to find out how the mystery was solved. I have skipped the middle of at least a half dozen books during the last week. I read a romance to see if that would hold my interest any better. I skipped over to the end of that one, too. I am giving up on reading. I have a few old movies on DVD. I think I will watch one tonight to see how that goes.

February's 29 Faces Challenge is starting in a few more days. The last art I posted was from the September Challenge. Maybe drawing faces can get me started again. I most likely won't have time to get all 29 done, but even a few will be better than I have done in the last four months.

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Thank you for stopping by. I enjoy reading your comments. My art is a continuous learning process. Constructive criticism is welcome.