Tuesday, September 1, 2015

29 Faces Challenge - Face #1

This is the first time I have joined the 29 Faces Challenge. Since I really need to do some face practice right now, I thought maybe this would keep me at it. I might not post every day, but I'll try to create a face every day. I'd like to get myself back where I once was before I take another class.

I was trying out some new watercolor pencils, but decided the paper in this journal does not work well with water. I'll try them another day on watercolor paper.


  1. Great that you joined this challenge, it's so inspiring to look at others' works.

    Her hair is beautifully done, the light is just perfect. Watercolor pencils a bit terrify me, I'm no good with them!

    1. Thank you. I find watercolor pencils easier to control than regular watercolors, especially if you are working in a small area.

  2. Beautiful watercolor painting. It is not easy.

    1. Thank you. I do find watercolors more difficult than other mediums, but I keep trying.

  3. Love how the neck meets the body. I have been trying to figure that one out. I have now learned more about this by looking at yours. I am really looking forward to seeing more of your work, Neena. :-)


Thank you for stopping by. I enjoy reading your comments. My art is a continuous learning process. Constructive criticism is welcome.