Monday, September 21, 2015

29 Faces Challenge - Face #14

Today's face was colored with Prismacolor pencils. Graphite is quicker, but I need practice with the colored pencils. I haven't used them much in the last year, except to add shadows and details to journal pages created with mostly acrylic paint.

The downside is the extra time it will take to finish a face. But, with all the other things I need to do this week, there is no way I'll finish all 29 faces anyway. Practicing with the Prismacolors is a better use of my time. So here she is.

This face was actually sketched a couple of days before the challenge started, with the idea of using her for a journal page. You will notice the angry least, I hope you do. That was my intention. The journal page is for venting about something that is making me very angry. The challenge started and the journal page was set aside.

In the meantime, I've come up with a better idea for my journal page. I decided to use this lady as part of my 29 Faces. I transferred her from my sketchbook to a piece of Stonehenge paper using the homemade carbon paper method I described in this post.

Over a period of several years, I tried all kinds of paper with the Prismacolors. They either had too much tooth or not enough, or were too thin. It was a supply list that I found on a DVD by Lee Hammond that solved my problem. She recommended using the Stonehenge paper for colored pencils.

I tried scanning, but my image was washed out. I took a photograph with artificial light. I get better results if I take photos outside in natural light, but we've had a very dark, rainy day. I did work on the image in Photoshop to make it look as close to the original image as possible. It's not perfect, but it is the best I am going to get today.

I have to get back to the things I should have been doing. Since there is nothing in progress on my art table, I might actually get something else done.


  1. She does have anger, especially in her eyes, that look with a bit peaked eye lids does it!
    I like the coloring a lot, red hair and that blue grayish blouse is a perfect combination.

    My scanner doesn't work, so I take photos of my art. And it has been also very dark and rainy here!

  2. Fine facial expressions again.


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