Saturday, September 5, 2015

29 Faces Challenge - Faces #4 and #5

Yesterday afternoon, while it was storming, I spent some time working with a pen in my sketchbook. I usually use a pencil, so this is always a bit scary. I drew about a dozen faces. These two are the best of the bunch.

The sketches were all freehand. The closest I came to measuring was to draw a small horizontal line crossed by a vertical line with pencil to help me space the eye ovals correctly. Then I erased the lines. Once I have the eyes in place, I can use them to estimate where the nose, mouth, and ears go.

Have you ever noticed that male faces seldom appear on the art blogs you visit? I wonder why that is. I admit that I tend to draw more females than males.

You will notice a lot of extra lines around his eyes. That is not some weird makeup. After studying my sketch, I realized he looked strange because his eyes were too small compared with the size of his nose. So I kept adding to the eyes until they were large enough.

As I look at him after scanning, I see some other mistakes I made. I think I need to rewatch the class videos before I draw more males.

I think I finally figured out what I've been doing wrong with my eyebrows in this expression.

I am really glad I joined the 29 Faces Challenge. All the practice I have done in the last few days is really helping to knock the rust off of my drawing skills.


  1. That's true, male faces are seldom seen in these challenges. I also try to create some men now in September, it's challenging!

    His eyes are small but I don't think it matters. People aren't perfect, our proportions vary a lot!

    1. It's true that a real person is not perfect or really symmetrical. I have to fight the tendency of trying for perfection when I draw. The finished product is much more interesting when it is not perfect. Thanks for visiting.

  2. Yes, this challenge is perfect for practising faces. I always find it's so much easier to paint faces after I've finished this challenge. It's also because you cannot dwell too long on one face to make it perfect because you don't have the time. And then you get these imperfect faces which somehow have so much more character. Love your guy!

    1. I am trying really hard to give up the idea of perfection. My left brain keeps telling me otherwise. It is a struggle. Thanks for visiting.

  3. Simple faces are beautiful as well. So delicate and beautiful face you drew.

    1. Thank you and thanks for taking the time to comment.

  4. Neena, I think we share a lot of the same struggles. I have many issues with lips/mouths but I think I have YET to get my eyes correctly in proportion and the same size on a face. I can already see improvements in my faces after 6 days so I am encouraged. And like you said, having to do so many in these 29 allotted days is making me "just do it" and move on to the next. My favorite part of this exercise after the experienced gained just doing it would have to be the total like of time to lament any imperfections and mistakes. :-)

    1. I think nearly everyone has similar struggles. The human face is not perfectly symmetrical. I find it helps to remember that when trying to get things just so.


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